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Cannabis 101

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Physician Resources

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Research Studies

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Medical cannabis or medical marijuana is cannabis and cannabinoids that are prescribed by physicians for their patients.

Nausea and Vomiting

Medical cannabis can be administered through various methods, including capsules, lozenges, tinctures, dermal patches.

Neurological Conditions

Medical cannabis can be administered through various methods, including capsules, lozenges, tinctures, dermal patches.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Medical cannabis can be administered through various methods, including capsules, lozenges, tinctures, dermal patches.


Medical cannabis can be administered through various methods, including capsules, lozenges, tinctures, dermal patches.

Parkinson’s Disease

Medical cannabis can be administered through various methods, including capsules, lozenges, tinctures, dermal patches.


Medical cannabis can be administered through various methods, including capsules, lozenges, tinctures, dermal patches.

High Standard & Quality

Medical cannabis or medical marijuana is cannabis and cannabinoids

Effects of chronic use may include bronchitis, a cannabis dependence syndrome, and subtle impairments of attention and memory. These deficits persist while chronically intoxicated. Compared.

Our Products

Effects of chronic use may include bronchitis, a cannabis dependence syndrome, and subtle impairments.

Introducing Our Secret Weapon

Sensi Chew Insomnia Plus

The Cannabis plant has a history of medicinal use dating back thousands of years in many cultures.

Medical cannabis can be administered through various methods, including capsules, lozenges, tinctures, dermal patches, oral or dermal sprays, cannabis edibles, and vaporizing or smoking dried buds. Synthetic cannabinoids are available for prescription use in some countries, such as dronabinol and nabilone. Countries that allow the medical use

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We’re proud to still be working with many of the same people that hired us in our early days.

  • The convention thus allows countries to outlaw cannabis for all non-research purposes but lets nations choose to allow use for medical and scientific purposes if they believe total prohibition is not the most appropriate means of protecting health and welfare.

    John Smith
  • The convention thus allows countries to outlaw cannabis for all non-research purposes but lets nations choose to allow use for medical and scientific purposes if they believe total prohibition is not the most appropriate means of protecting health and welfare.

    Johnathan Ronan
  • The convention thus allows countries to outlaw cannabis for all non-research purposes but lets nations choose to allow use for medical and scientific purposes if they believe total prohibition is not the most appropriate means of protecting health and welfare.

    Sam Kiss
  • The convention thus allows countries to outlaw cannabis for all non-research purposes but lets nations choose to allow use for medical and scientific purposes if they believe total prohibition is not the most appropriate means of protecting health and welfare.

    Sarah Doe

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